Feline Friday
People have wondered why I don't have pictures up of the current cat, Dust Bunny. Well, first of all the cat is always off hunting somewhere and only hangs out in the not-so-photo-friendly night-time hours and second of all gray cats are pretty darn hard to see against our local surroundings. It's a little hard to catch Dust Bunny with a camera in the field.
Josh Poulson
Posted Friday, May 6 2005 05:50 AM
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Cats, Dogs, Spiders and ? every Friday. I'll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals as I see them (photoshops at my discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Leave a comment or trackback to... [Read more]
Linked Friday, May 6 2005 06:49 AM
Welcome to The 59th Carnival of the Cats, the only carnival devoted entirely to superior life forms. I thought I'd start off with a picture of my all-time favorite cat: ME. In this photo I'm trying to decide whether I... [Read more]
Conservative Cat
Linked Sunday, May 8 2005 10:54 PM
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Your cat looks amazingly like my female BILU
maria carolina
Posted Saturday, Feb 17 2007 01:30 PM
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