Fox News While You Cruise

Today's “Political Diary” from OpinionJournal is particularly full of good tidbits. This one is for those who like to cruise and hear the news (I prefer to avoid the news when I cruise):

Liberal talk show hosts are gnashing their teeth over the latest evidence that the Fox News Channel is becoming ubiquitous. Cruise ships are finally crying uncle after years of listening to passengers complain about the unavailability of Fox News on shipboard TV. The Maritime Telecommunications Network plans to put Fox News on its global satellite system, where it will be available to 119 cruise ships.

I don't remember if they had Fox News one a half years ago when I last cruised, but I remember looking for the camera showing the prow of the ship when I used the TV.

Josh Poulson

Posted Tuesday, Apr 5 2005 12:11 PM

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