10,000 In Under Three Months

Looks like today I'll hit 10,000 on the site meter. I started it up in the middle of December. since then my traffic has been steadily rising although it seems to have plateaued at 300 unique visitors a day.

I admit that some of the traffic comes from the blog traffic tools I link to on the left side. Others come from just a few very popular postings. Steady traffic comes from my NRA Course Descriptions and Portland, Oregon Firearms Training pages.

Josh Poulson

Posted Thursday, Feb 17 2005 08:01 AM

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Admit it, most of your traffic is from your blog traffic tools...I see this site like 20 times a day in blogclicker.


Posted Thursday, Feb 17 2005 09:51 AM

I don't agree.

Based on the “entry page” information from Sitemeter, perhaps as much as half of it comes from tools like blogclicker and so on. However, if you look at my Referring Web Sites Ranked by Visits you'll notice that google.com ranks the highest, and other search engines come just after the blogclicker, blogexplosion, blogazoo list. I have only 3 visits from blogcrowd, at the same level as referrals from other web sites where I've posted comments or trackbacks.

Josh Poulson

Posted Thursday, Feb 17 2005 11:14 AM

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