Survived Capstone Presentation
On Friday our team gave our final presentation for the Capstone class I've been working on these past months. This is the end of my march towards a MS in Management with a focus on managing high tech companies. Capstone puts us through the process of developing business, marketing, and financial plans for a startup company. It was quite a bit of work!
Josh Poulson
Posted Monday, Mar 20 2006 09:33 AM
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So that's how all those spin-off, start-ups happen! The company pays big bucks to put all you young Turks in one class, tells you to create a plan, then you run with it! Cool! I have found a great 30,000 sq ft office building for you. You can contract the manufacturing. Cheers!
Posted Tuesday, Mar 21 2006 10:43 AM
Congratulations! I am so proud of you.
Posted Monday, Mar 27 2006 09:06 AM
Thanks for the congrats, dear. I couldn't have survived it without you and the kids supporting me.
Josh Poulson
Posted Tuesday, Mar 28 2006 10:38 AM
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