500th Post, Full of Miscellany

I was going to say something pithy or prophetic for my 500th post, and I ended up not posting all weekend. Whoops!

I was pretty heads down getting a lot of work done for school this past weekend. I want MST 573 work to be over now, thank you. Wrote a paper, submitted the draft. Worked on the team project for MST 523. Got my week's worth of work submitted for MST 520 (now all I have to do is keep up with the online conversation).

Far various still-private reasons I did a lot of soul-searching this past weekend, and Misty was a great supporter of my ego. I suspect I was not fun to be around. If there was any doubt, I love you Misty.

At this point I am focused on deadlines, milestones and end dates. My father Barry reminded me that the family needs a "low oil" plan by 2012. We have a windmill but we haven't set it up. The house relies heavily on natural gas now, which, so far, isn't saving us as much as we hoped. Better insulation is required in the attic.

I've been using Basecamp to manage my various little projects around the house and at school. So far it's a great little tool. I recommend it. You can track one project for free with it. They have some new tool called Backpack in development, but there have been no details as to what it might be.

Carnival of the Cats #55 is up at enrevanche. Grandma Wendy's Makiko is in it.

Carnival of the Dogs is up at Mickey's Musings. Bingo is in that.

The Friday Ark at The Modulator features all of the pictures I posted on Friday.

Carnival of Cordite #8 is up at Resistance is futile! I didn't submit anything this time around.

If I missed anything else exciting this weekend, it's not your fault. I was pretty busy.

Josh Poulson

Posted Monday, Apr 11 2005 07:18 AM

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